Previous MTCC GMN Event

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

GMN Project Presentation at ISWG-GHG 5


International Maritime Organization headquarters

During the 2nd day of deliberations at the 5th Intersessional meeting of the Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, the GMN Project presented on the achievements of the Global MTCC Network project, as well as providing practical examples of how the network can, in the future, play a key role to support the IMO’s GHG reduction strategy.

Speaking to more than 60 assembled IMO Member States’ delegates, GMN Project Manager Anton Rhodes emphasized the significant outreach of the 5 MTCCs in their respective regions, and their success in establishing strong maritime networks.

The positive impact of the GMN was also emphasized, with examples of energy efficiency measures being introduced at ports across the Pacific region and significant reductions in GHG emissions.

At the core of MTCCs’ future work will be their support in implementing the IMO GHG reduction strategy, with particular emphasis on the needs of LDCs and SIDS; as well as technology cooperation and transfer of technologies such as JiT, Shore Based Power Supply and Energy Efficient Equipment and Operations. E.g., in Vanuatu currently a biofuel (coconut oil) is being piloted and this bottom-up approach was appreciated by the Vanuatu delegates present.


London, UK

London, UK