Previous MTCC Asia Event
Monday, 18 September 2017 - Friday, 22 September 2017
MTCC-Asia 1st Regional Workshop

Type of activity:
Regional Workshop
The Regional Workshop on Capacity Building on Ships Energy Efficiency Promotion and Maritime Administration was a part of comprehensive events to share experience and reliable results with regional Maritime Administrations, Port Authorities and other relevant government departments and related shipping stakeholders via effective communication and visibility actions in the pursuit of capacity building on ship energy efficiency promotion and maritime administration as required by MARPOL Annex VI.
The main objective of the workshop was to share the knowledge and good practices related to energy efficiency in Asia, exchange the information and technology in the context of the relevant IMO regulations regarding the energy efficiency and management, and establish strong links between MTCC-Asia and the wider region. The workshop consisted of presentations, case study, seminars and field study.
46 participants from more than 20 countries within Asia, 1 participant from Denmark, 2 participants from MTCC-Caribbean and 2 participants from IMO and GMN attended the workshop
Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China