Previous MTCC Asia Event
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
MTCC Asia – Global Green Maritime Forum

Type of activity:
IMO continued efforts for climate mitigation from maritime sector through the role of MTCCs
The 2020 Global Green Maritime Forum, hosted by MTCC Asia on 18 November 2020, brought together interested stakeholders on discussions about the latest developments on national policies and crucial measures being taken to support decarbonization of the maritime sectors, with an aim to facilitate the implementation of IMO Initial GHG Strategy. The forum was attended by around 100 representatives and participants from 22 countries including Denmark, Sweden, Turkey, the Philippines, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
In his welcome speech, Prof. Dr. Lu Jing, President of the Shanghai Maritime University (SMU), the Host Institute of MTCC Asia, pointed out the need for the international shipping industry to promote global governance and win-win cooperation for decarbonization from the maritime sectors, and reaffirmed SMU’s support for MTCC Asia to fulfill its mission to a best level. Mr. Andreas Nordseth, Director General of Danish Maritime Authority, in his keynote speech, addressed major technological developments on GHG reduction from ships and praised MTCC Asia’s concrete actions towards climate mitigation from the maritime shipping industry.
Speaking on behalf of IMO Department of Partnerships and Projects, Mr. Anton Rhodes, Project Manager of the Global MTCCs Network (GMN), acknowledged the tremendous achievements having been made by MTCC Asia in serving developing countries in Asia on capacity building and technology transfer for improving energy efficiency from ships and ports. He then gave an update about IMO’s latest developments and actions on the GHG agenda, including the launch of new major projects for this endeavor.
Chaired by Prof. Xin Shi, Executive Director of MTCC Asia and Vice President of SMU, the forum was also addressed by speakers from Maritime Safety Administration of China, Directorate General of Shipping of India, Marine Department of Thailand, Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, and World Maritime University on their implementation strategies and operations for low-carbon shipping.
A technical panel discussion, moderated by Prof. Wei Ruan, Head of MTCC Asia, was then followed with participation of technical experts from General Department of Waterway-Maritime Transport and Port of Cambodia, Department of Marine Administration of Myanmar, Maritime Safety Administration of Shanghai, China Classification Society, COSCO-Shipping Group, Shanghai International Port Group, Bernhard Schulte Group, and Costamare Group. There was a heated discussion over the topic of Fourth IMO GHG Study Report and green actions post Covid-19.
MTCC Asia is established under the auspices of IMO and the European Union. The annual forum is the third of its kind delivered by MTCC Asia with financial support from the Shanghai local government, China. Despite disruptions and challenges of the pandemic, this year’s forum was delivered as planned with a modality combining virtual participation and in-person attendance on the campus of SMU.