Previous MTCC Latin America Event
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 - Friday, 15 March 2019
MTCC-Latin America 4th National Workshop
Type of activity:
National Workshop
From 13th – 15th March 2019, MTCC-Latin America conducted its last National Workshop on “Ship Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reduction” at the Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (CESNAV), Mexico City, Mexico. The event was attended by representatives from the European Union in Mexico, IMO, Maritime Authority of Mexico (UNICAPAM), SEMAR, CESNAV, SEMARNAT, SCT, SENER, CONUEE, PEMEX, prestigious universities as well as practitioners from the maritime and port industries of Mexico. During this workshop participants updated their knowledge on key issues of energy efficiency in the maritime transport industry. Attendees exchanged experiences on the subject and identified challenges to overcome. In addition, different views were expressed as to the accession and later implementation of MARPOL Annex VI in Mexico.
You can find the complete list of presentations here.
Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico