GMN Global Webinar Series – MTCC Asia 



Monday, 21 June, 15.00-16.30 CST

Via Zoom

·      Anton Rhodes, GMN Project Manager​

·      Petra Ghassemi Ahari, GMN Project Officer

·      Jose Matheickal, Chief, Department of Partnerships and Projects, IMO​

·      ​Gyorgyi Gurban, Head, Projects Implementation, Department of Partnerships and Projects, IMO​

·      Wei Ruan, Head, MTCC Asia ​

·      Yasmin Mohd Hasni, Principal Assistant Director, Marine Department Malaysia

·      Zhou Feng, Technical Officer, MTCC Asia​

Anton Rhodes, GMN Project Manager

By sharing knowledge on the latest Maritime Energy Efficiency Technologies, this webinar will provide a fantastic opportunity to hear directly from MTCC Asia on the potential barriers and opportunities to a Low Carbon Shipping Industry in the region.

1.    General Introduction (GMN Project Manager)​

2.    Opening Remarks (Chief, Department of Partnerships and Projects (DPP), IMO)​

3.    GMN overview and high-level introduction of the MTCC (GMN Project Officer)​

4.    IMO GHG Initiatives (Head, Project Implementation, DPP, IMO) ​

5.    Regional overview and presentations on barriers and opportunities for Low/Zero Carbon Shipping (MTCC Asia)​

6.    Q&A/panel discussion

7.    Closure​