MTCC-Africa Pilot Projects

1. Uptake of port energy efficient technologies and operations (Energy audit for Africa ports)

Africa has experienced tremendous growth in the shipping industry in the recent past, mainly due to the rapid economic growth in the region. However, most African ports are unable to attain international energy efficiency and air pollution standards required by the shipping industry and can, therefore, not expand to accommodate more cargo traffic.

The main objective of this pilot project is to promote the uptake of energy efficient technologies and operations within the African ports through the implementation of energy efficiency strategies. They will: Check the impacts of the proposed energy saving/emission reduction strategies at the Port of Mombasa; Conduct Level 1 audit on selected African ports according to ISO 50002.


2. Fuel consumption automated data collection and reporting

MTCC-Africa committed to deliver a pilot project on fuel consumption data collection and reporting under the Global MTCCs Network. In delivering this commitment MTCC-Africa engaged a third party namely CLS to offer technical solutions for the pilot project.

The scope of the pilot project involved two distinct approaches and methodologies namely:

  • Manual fuel consumption data collection: Fuel Data collection and reporting to be made using tablets with standardized forms which must be filled in by crew members. Data was then sent to MTCC- Africa relying on satellite communication at an agreed frequency. For this technology, 6 tablets were being used onboard 6 voluntary ships. Tablets were then  switched to other voluntary ships to increase the number of ships participating in the experimentation.
  • Automated fuel consumption data collection: Experimentation with automated data collection relying on onboard flowmeters and sensors was conducted with 4 voluntary ships, using CLS dedicated Sat-Box device. These devices cannot be switched to other ships during the contract period.
View the MTCC-Africa Pilot Projects website

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