MTCC-Latin America Pilot Projects

1. Uptake of port energy efficient technologies and operations (Barriers and Constraints Examination)
The Pilot Project will utilize the existing international legislative initiatives on Ship Energy Efficient Technologies and Operations created under the umbrella of the IMO as a trigger to examine the barriers and constraints faced by regional ship owners and operators when implementing or planning to implement such provisions.
This Pilot Project will utilize qualitative methodologies to conduct not less than 4 case studies of ship owners or operators whose vessels need to apply ship energy efficient provisions. Each case study will aim at analysing the particular operational scenarios of the subjects being studied, observe their operations and draw lessons learned. Furthermore, this Pilot Project will compare results, lessons learned and recommendations, and will incorporate them into training aids and modules and make them available through 4 national seminars in Latin American countries.
Once the results of the Case Studies are finalized, an attempt to relate the overall results to a wider population of relevant stakeholders in the Latin American region using an on-line survey will be made. The success of this last activity will be a function of the rate of response obtained in the survey.
Meeting with MTCC partners in Latin America
2. Fuel consumption automated data collection and reporting
This Pilot Project will develop a model that would facilitate maritime administrations´ monitoring of ship bunker consumption and GHG emissions. To this end, this Pilot Project will build on Panama’s experience collecting such data by governmental institutions to create a model that would later be tested with other participating maritime administrations.
The first two stages of this Pilot Project, that is the baseline case study and the creation of the fuel consumption monitoring model, will take place in Panama, as the necessary initial sources of information and partners are located in this country. The testing of the model will be conducted in the head office of the participating maritime administration, while the related capacity building will be planned as part of the second regional capacity building workshop.
For this pilot project, MTCC-Latin America is working with the maritime administrations of Panama, Peru and Chile, as well as private shipping companies whose ships are registered in these countries. These companies include Humboldt Ship Management, Transgas, Transoceanic, Carnival Cruise Lines and MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company.