Wednesday 22 September, 2021
Register now for the IMO-UNEP Zero and Low Emission Innovation Forum
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are jointly hosting ZERO-AND LOW-EMISSION INNOVATION FORUM from 27-29 September 2021, supported by the Government of Norway. This virtual event will bring together all stakeholders to promote inclusive innovation towards maritime decarbonization with the focus on developing countries, particularly Least Developing Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). We encourage you to register now not to miss your chance to engage in this virtual event on topics such as:
- Challenges and opportunities for inclusive innovation and deploying new decarbonization solutions;
- Models of inclusive innovation that foster zero and low emission technology deployment;
- Financing maritime decarbonization;
- Cooperation needs across the maritime value chain and beyond to support inclusive innovation and deployment.
With the aim to promote knowledge management and information sharing, senior representative from MTCC Africa, MTCC Asia, MTCC Caribbean and MTCC Pacific will be taking part in this global platform to discuss ideas related to promotion of innovation and disseminate latest developments in their respective regions.
For more information and registration details please visit: